About Us

Kingsbury Aquarius swimming club was started in 1974 and is a not-for-profit organisation run by coaches and volunteers. We bring individuals and families together to coach, support and motivate each other to improve swimming skills and share social skills. We provide a programme and a platform that allows our members to progress from beginners to national champions and coaches should they wish to.

Kingsbury Aquarius is a community swimming club in North Warwickshire and North Solihull. We offer learn to swim all the way to competitive squads. The club structure reflects our various competitive ambitions with squads run by our dedicated team of coaches.  

The Kingsbury Aquarius Learn to Swim section caters for all stages of the National Plan for Teaching Swimming by Swim England. This is delivered by our qualified teachers and supported by our older club members who are qualified Aquatic helpers and teachers. 

Our Purpose

Kingsbury Aquarius SC is committed to helping all swimmers to achieve their maximum potential and to enjoy participating in aquatic sports. This will be achieved with the aid of high-quality coaching, teaching and support staff, working in partnership with the club officials, parents and most importantly, the swimmers.

Funding and Support

The Club is a self-financing structure. The revenue to run our Coaching and Teaching Scheme is generated by: 

  1. Swimming fees and membership subscriptions from club members 
  2. Fund raising by members and families.
  3. Local and national sponsorship schemes and grants


Kingsbury Aquarius SC is a SwimMark accredited club. This is Swim England's quality standard for clubs. SwimMark accreditation is about creating the best possible swimming experience for all, raising the quality of aquatics provision across all areas and Sport England Clubmark recognition for great quality clubs. SwimMark helps us to achieve good governance, grow membership, develop volunteers and ensures our activity is sustainable and in line with our club objectives. It recognises our club for achieving high standards of governance, sustainability and effectiveness. More information about the accreditation can be found here: 



Kingsbury Aquarius Swimming Club, KASC